Fundamental Problems of Control of Adaptive Processes

Brian Anderson, Michel Gevers

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The paper identifies three fundamental problems in adaptive cont,rol: the need to work with models of plants which may be very accurate but are virtually never exact; the inability to know, given an unknown plant, whether a desired control objective is practical or impractical, and the possibility of transient instability, or extremely large signals occurring before convergence. A technique is advanced for addressing these problems based on controller adjustment limited by Vinnicombe metric considerations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1998
Event37th SICE Annual Conference, 1998 - Chiba, Japan
Duration: 29 Jul 199831 Jul 1998
Conference number: 37


Conference37th SICE Annual Conference, 1998
Abbreviated titleSICE 98


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