G-U base-paired hpRNA confers potent inhibition of small RNA function in plants

Chengcheng Zhong*, Neil A. Smith, Daai Zhang, Xiuhong Gou, Ian K. Greaves, Anthony A. Millar, Tom K. Walsh, Weixing Shan, Ming Bo Wang*

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MicroRNA (miRNA) target mimicry technologies, utilizing naturally occurring miRNA decoy molecules, represent a potent tool for analyzing miRNA function. In this study, we present a highly efficient small RNA (sRNA) target mimicry design based on G-U base-paired hairpin RNA (hpG:U), which allows for the simultaneous targeting of multiple sRNAs. The hpG:U constructs consistently generate high amounts of intact, polyadenylated stem-loop (SL) RNA outside the nuclei, in contrast to traditional hairpin RNA designs with canonical base pairing (hpWT), which were predominantly processed resulting in a loop. By incorporating a 460-bp G-U base-paired double-stranded stem and a 312–576 nt loop carrying multiple miRNA target mimicry sites (GUMIC), the hpG:U construct displayed effective repression of three Arabidopsis miRNAs, namely miR165/166, miR157, and miR160, both individually and in combination. Additionally, a GUMIC construct targeting a prominent cluster of siRNAs derived from cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) Y-satellite RNA (Y-Sat) effectively inhibited Y-Sat siRNA-directed silencing of the chlorophyll biosynthetic gene CHLI, thereby reducing the yellowing symptoms in infected Nicotiana plants. Therefore, the G-U base-paired hpRNA, characterized by differential processing compared to traditional hpRNA, acts as an efficient decoy for both miRNAs and siRNAs. This technology holds great potential for sRNA functional analysis and the management of sRNA-mediated diseases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1206-1222
Number of pages17
JournalPlant Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


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