Galaxy groups in the 2dFGRS: The group-finding algorithm and the 2PIGG catalogue

V. R. Eke*, Carlton M. Baugh, Shaun Cole, Carlos S. Frenk, Peder Norberg, John A. Peacock, Ivan K. Baldry, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Terry Bridges, Russell Cannon, Matthew Colless, Chris Collins, Warrick Couch, Gavin Dalton, Roberto De Propris, Simon P. Driver, George Efstathiou, Richard S. Ellis, Karl Glazebrook, Carole JacksonOfer Lahav, Ian Lewis, Stuart Lumsden, Steve Maddox, Darren Madgwick, Bruce A. Peterson, Will Sutherland, Keith Taylor

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    320 Citations (Scopus)


    The construction of a catalogue of galaxy groups from the Two-degree Field Galaxy Red-shift Survey (2dFGRS) is described. Groups are identified by means of a friends-of-friends percolation algorithm which has been thoroughly tested on mock versions of the 2dFGRS generated from cosmological N-body simulations. The tests suggest that the algorithm groups all galaxies that it should be grouping, with an additional 40 per cent of interlopers. About 55 per cent of the ∼190 000 galaxies considered are placed into groups containing at least two members of which ∼29 000 are found. Of these, ∼7000 contain at least four galaxies, and these groups have a median redshift of 0.11 and a median velocity dispersion of 260 km s-1. This 2dFGRS Percolation-Inferred Galaxy Group (2PIGG) catalogue represents the largest available homogeneous sample of galaxy groups. It is publicly available on the World Wide Web.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)866-878
    Number of pages13
    JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2004


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