Gender analysis: Shifting cultivation and indigenous people

Carol J Pierce Colfer, Rebekah Daro Minarchek, Malcolm Cairns, Anungla Aier, Amity Doolittle, Valerie Mashman, Helen Hambley Odame, Michelle Roberts, KATHRYN ROBINSON, Penny van Esterik

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    In this chapter, we focus on gender issues within shifting-cultivation systems, particularly those demonstrating farming innovations and improved fallow management. We have mined our own field experiences, the relevant literature and materials from this volume in order to draw conclusions, in the expectation that these conclusions will inform future research and the application of more gender responsive programming and policy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationShifting Cultivation and Environmental Change: Indigenous People, Agriculture and Forest Conservation
    EditorsMalcolm F Cairns
    Place of PublicationAbingdon and New York
    ISBN (Print)9780415746038
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

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