Gendered (Hi)stories: Female Artists and Dynamics in the Art of Barkcloth Painting

Anna-Karina Hermkens

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This chapter focuses on women and their artwork. The work of women artists may be constrained by various forces, limiting their mobility and also their ability to give voice to their work. In Melanesian societies that have traditionally been dominated by male decision-making and male representations, women have often been prohibited from speaking on behalf of themselves, their families, and the larger community or representing these concerns in art. As I will show, these restraints affect their ability to participate in national and international art settings. In addition, women’s art was less accessible to early collectors (Hermkens 2007a: 9-12,18), and was often classified as non-art by collectors, anthropologists and the global art market. As a result, women’s work has become to a large extent invisible.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPacific Island Artists: Navigating the Global Art World
    EditorsKaren Stevenson
    Place of PublicationOakland USA
    PublisherMasalai Press
    ISBN (Print)0971412774
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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