Geochronology and geochemistry of high-pressure granulites of the Arthur River Complex, Fiordland, New Zealand: Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism on the palaeo-Pacific Margin

J. A. Hollis*, G. L. Clarke, K. A. Klepeis, N. R. Daczko, T. R. Ireland

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    63 Citations (Scopus)


    The Arthur River Complex is a suite of gabbroic to dioritic orthogneisses in northern Fiordland, New Zealand. The Arthur River Complex separates rocks of the Median Tectonic Zone, a Mesozoic island are complex, from Palaeozoic rocks of the palaeo-Pacific Gondwana margin, and is itself intruded by the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. New SHRIMP U/Pb single zircon data are presented for magmatic, metamorphic and deformation events in the Arthur River Complex and adjacent rocks from northern Fiordland. The Arthur River Complex orthogneisses and dykes are dominated by magmatic zircon dated at 136-129 Ma. A dioritic orthogneiss that occurs along the eastern margin of the Complex is dated at 154.4 ± 3.6 Ma and predates adjacent plutons of the Median Tectonic Zone. Rims on zircon cores from this sample record a thermal event at c. 120 Ma, attributed to the emplacement of the Western Fiordland Orthogneiss. Migmatitic Palaeozoic orthogneiss from the Arthur River Complex (346 ± 6 Ma) is interpreted as deformed wall rock. Very fine rims (5-20 μm) also indicate a metamorphic age of c. 120-110 Ma. A post-tectonic pegmatite (81.8 ± 1.8 Ma) may be related to phases of crustal extension associated with the opening of the Tasman Sea. The Arthur River Complex is interpreted as a batholith, emplaced at mid-crustal levels and then buried to deep crustal levels due to convergence of the Median Tectonic Zone arc and the continental margin.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)299-313
    Number of pages15
    JournalJournal of Metamorphic Geology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2003


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