Governance networks in the delivery of public healthcare services in the Pacific: Implementation of the Bougainville Healthy Communities Programme

Lhawang Ugyel*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Articlepeer-review


Networks play a vital role in the delivery of public services, especially in countries where governments are constrained by capacity and funds. This study develops a framework of governance networks based on two dimensions: at the national and community levels, and within the governmental and non-governmental sectors. Based on the framework, this article analyses the governance networks of the Bougainville Healthy Communities Programme (BHCP) and their nature of integration and collaboration. BHCP mainly operates as a public healthcare advocacy program in Bougainville, an underdeveloped autonomous region of Papua New Guinea. BHCP’s success reveals that the nature of interaction among the various actors is key to making governance networks work. Its experience demonstrates that governance networks are important in the effective delivery of services, particularly in countries where the governments face financial and human resources shortages.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationAsia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Publication statusPublished - 24 Dec 2021


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