Grammar Writing from a Dissertation Advisor's Perspective

Andrew Pawley

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Anyone who intends to produce a grammar of a previously little-described language needs to (1) plan the scope, methods and timetable of the data gathering process, (2) think about the conceptual framework that will shape data-gathering and analysis, (3) gather and organize the data, (4) analyse the data, and (5) plan the structure of the written account and (6) write the grammar. The steps are not simply sequential but are to some extent cyclical. This chapter will look at an advisor’s role in guiding a PhD student through these steps. It will focus on the following questions: What kinds of data, and how much, are sufficient to base a grammar on? What is a realistic size for a PhD dissertation grammar? What are the main alternative ways of organizing a grammatical description, e.g. in terms of topic divisions and sequencing? What are the dos and don’ts to be followed in order to make the grammar as descriptively adequate and user friendly as possible? What are the main reasons why some students take forever to complete the analysis and writing process?
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe Art and Practice of Grammar Writing
    EditorsToshihide Nakayama and Keren Rice
    Place of PublicationHonolulu
    PublisherUniversity of Hawaii Press
    ISBN (Print)9780985621148
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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