Grow: visualising nature at nanoscale (2013)

Erica Seccombe (Creator)

    Research output: Non-textual formPhysical Non-textual work


    Erica Seccombe GROW 2013, 6min duration. Created for a stereoscopic projection installation. GROW encapsulates a real-life event as a 4D, virtual dataset, allowing an audience to experience the phenomena of seeds germinating as never seen before. GROW reflects a techno-scientific culture where our relationship to nature and our experience and understanding of the natural world is increasingly mediated through computational technologies. Seeds embody the potential for new growth and the future, but this unique time-lapse anchors us in the present reminding us that life is only momentary.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSydney
    PublisherPowerhouse Museum
    Sizeprojection throw, 2 metres: space 3 x 5 m, screen
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    EventSynapse a selection: ISEA 2013 as part of the ISEA (International symposium of electronic arts) 2013 - Powerhouse Museum, Sydney,
    Duration: 5 Jul 1905 → …


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