Historia de Mongolia después de la guerra [Mongolia After the War]

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This book fulfills the double task of showing the influence that the Cold War period had on the internal and external politics of each of the national societies of the Pacific area and makes us see how; between the postwar period and 2000; this renewed Asia emerged; producing a change in the center of gravity in the economic and in part in the political of the international system. But it does not necessarily respond to a "" Latin American perspective ""; but to the works of a series of scholars from the Pacific area; mainly Latin Americans and Asians; also including authors from Australia and New Zealand. A group of them emerged from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; that in the new century has placed an accent on the link with East Asia and the countries of the Pacific; effort that is not isolated in Latin America; and where Mexico has been a pioneer. All its authors; on one bank or another; they focus their studies in the area. Not only in the great powers or in the most relevant countries; but in some historical spaces with names that in our America may sound exotic and that appear in the media as headlines or quoted; but of which our public can scarcely refer with knowledge.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAsia y el Pacífico durante la Guerra Fría
    EditorsPedro Iacobelli D., Robert Cribb, Juan Luis Perello E.
    Place of PublicationChile
    PublisherFondo de Cultura Economica
    ISBN (Print)978-956-289-179-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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