How the Higher Education Industry Shapes the Discipline of Law: The Case of Australia

Margaret Thornton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This article argues that a constellation of factors combine to encourage law graduates to pursue a career in corporate law at the expense of alternative destinations. Most notable are the increasingly high tuition fees law students are charged, but the respective roles of government, the admitting authorities, law schools and the profession cannot be discounted. Each change in policy renders resistance more difficult. The proposed higher education changes contained in the 2017 Australian Federal Budget are exemplary. As it is already assumed that law can be offered cheaply while charging high fees, the Budget cuts could induce universities to increase the number of law students as well as the cost of discretionary law degrees, such as the Juris Doctor. This would not only increase competition for law-related jobs in the labour market, but it would also effect a more vocational orientation to the law curriculum
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)101-117
    JournalGriffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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