Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observations of type Ia supernovae at redshift 0.5: Cosmological implications

Alejandro Clocchiatti*, Brian P. Schmidt, Alexei V. Filippenko, Peter Challis, Alison L. Coil, R. Covarrubias, Alan Diercks, Peter Garnavich, Lisa Germany, Ron Gilliland, Craig Hogan, Saurabh Jha, Robert P. Kirshner, Bruno Leibundgut, Doug Leonard, Weidong Li, Thomas Matheson, Mark M. Phillips, José Luis Prieto, David ReissAdam G. Riess, Robert Schommer, R. Chris Smith, Alicia Soderberg, Jason Spyromilio, Christopher Stubbs, Nicholas B. Suntzeff, John L. Tonry, Patrick Woudt

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    177 Citations (Scopus)


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