IB2016/30 'Luxury' and 'Disturbances': Women's Views on City Life in Honiara Settlements

Jenny Munro, Jessica Carpenter

    Research output: Other contribution


    Increasing numbers of men and women have established homes, livelihoods and families on lands in Honiara they cannot own (see also Keen and Barbara 2015). Settlers come from all the nations islands, may attend school, work in formal jobs, and/or earn a living in the informal sector. Their struggles illuminate and challenge the idea that land is the crucial basis for social protection, food security, identity and social relations in the region. SSGMs research on urbanisation in Honiara aims to engage with government, business, and settlement communities to inform and mobilise urban planning, policy and research priorities. From August to September 2016, the authors partnered with World Vision Solomon Islands to conduct five focus groups involving 50 women aged 1865, from three of Honiaras settlement communities: Sun Valley, White River, and Lord Howe.1 The research aimed to generate insights into womens experiences and priorities. This In Brief describes womens views on and experiences of city life
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherState, Society and Governance in Melanesia
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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