IB2019/3 Family Protection Orders in Lae, Papua New Guinea: Part 2 Improving Safety

Judy Putt, Theresa Phillips, Davida Thomas, Lindy Kanan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    A pilot study on the use and effectiveness of family protection orders was undertaken in Lae, Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 2018. The aim of the orders, introduced under the Family Protection Act (FPA) 2013, is to improve access to justice and the protection of and support for victims of domestic and family violence (DFV). This is the second In Brief summarising the findings of the pilot study, with a focus on whether the civil orders are improving the safety of applicants (see Putt et al. 2019 for more detail on the study).
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2pp
    JournalDepartment of Pacific Affairs
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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