Ilan Stavans y la antologia Se habla espanol: voces latinas en USA (Ilan Stavans and the anthology Spanish is spoken: Latin voices in the USA)

Thomas Nulley-Valdes, Ilan Stavans

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationGeneral Article


    An interview with the author and professor Ilan Stavans which takes as its starting point his participation in the short story anthology Se habla español: voces latinas en USA/Spanish is Spoken: Latin Voices in the USA (Alfaguara 2000) coordinated by the writers Edmundo Paz Soldán and Alberto Fuguet. The interview also covers many varied topics such as Ilan Stavans' arrival to the United States, his amphibious state as a writer in Spanish and English; translation; Latinos in the United States; Spanglish; literary criticism, and other short story anthologies such as McOndo (Fuguet and Gómez 1996).
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationLetra Urbana
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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