Improved understanding of calibration efficiency, difficulty and parameter uniqueness of conceptual rainfall runoff models using fitness landscape metrics

S. Zhu, H. R. Maier, A. C. Zecchin, M. A. Thyer, J. H. A. Guillaume

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The ease and efficiency with which conceptual rainfall runoff (CRR) models can be calibrated, as well as issues related to the uniqueness of their parameters, has received significant attention in literature. While several studies have tried to gain a better understanding of the underlying factors affecting these issues by examining the features of model error surfaces, this has generally been done in an ad-hoc fashion using lower-dimensional representations of higher-dimensional surfaces. In this paper, it is suggested that exploratory landscape analysis (ELA) metrics can be used to quantify key features of the error surfaces of CRR models, including their roughness and flatness, as well as their degree of optima dispersion throughout the surface. This enables key error surface features of CRR models to be compared in a consistent, efficient and easily communicable fashion for models with different combinations of attributes (e.g. model structure, catchment climate conditions, error metrics, and calibration data set lengths). Results from the application of ELA metrics to the error surfaces of 420 CRR models with different combinations of the above attributes indicate that increasing model complexity results in an increase in relative error surface roughness and relative optima dispersion and that, while increasing catchment wetness increases the relative roughness of error surfaces, it also decreases optima dispersion. This suggests that for the models considered in this study, optimisation efficiency is likely to decrease with increasing model complexity and catchment wetness, while optimisation difficulty is likely to increase and parameter uniqueness likely to decrease with model complexity and catchment dryness. While implications for choice of model complexity will need further work, this study highlights the potential value of the proposed approach to understanding the calibration efficiency, difficulty and parameter uniqueness of conceptual rainfall runoff models.
Original languageEnglish
Article number131586
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Hydrology
Early online dateJun 2024
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


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