title = "Improving restoration programs through greater connection with ecological theory and better monitoring. Article #50",
author = "David Lindenmayer",
note = "Frontiers eBook Copyright Statement The copyright in the text of individual articles in this eBook is the property of their respective authors or their respective institutions or funders. The copyright in graphics and images within each article may be subject to copyright of other parties. In both cases this is subject to a license granted to Frontiers. The compilation of articles constituting this eBook is the property of Frontiers. Each article within this eBook, and the eBook itself, are published under the most recent version of the Creative Commons CC-BY licence. The version current at the date of publication of this eBook is CC-BY 4.0. If the CC-BY licence is updated, the licence granted by Frontiers is automatically updated to the new version. When exercising any right under the CC-BY licence, Frontiers must be attributed as the original publisher of the article or eBook, as applicable. Authors have the responsibility of ensuring that any graphics or other materials which are the property of others may be included in the CC-BY licence, but this should be checked before relying on the CC-BY licence to reproduce those materials. Any copyright notices relating to those materials must be complied with. Copyright and source acknowledgement notices may not be removed and must be displayed in any copy, derivative work or partial copy which includes the elements in question. All copyright, and all rights therein, are protected by national and international copyright laws. The above represents a summary only. For further information please read Frontiers{\textquoteright} Conditions for Website Use and Copyright Statement, and the applicable CC-BY licence",
year = "2021",
month = feb,
language = "English",
isbn = "N 978-2-88966-607-2",
pages = "91--98",
booktitle = "Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2020 Highlights",
publisher = "Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution",