Indigenous Self-Determination in Australia: Histories and Historiography

Laura Rademaker, Timothy Rowse

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited Bookpeer-review


    Histories of the colonisation of Australia have recognised distinct periods or eras in the colonial relationship: 'protection' and 'assimilation'. It is widely understood that, in 1973, the Whitlam Government initiated a new policy era: 'self-determination'. Yet, the defining features of this era, as well as how, why and when it ended, are far from clear. In this collection we ask: how shall we write the history of self-determination? How should we bring together, in the one narrative, innovations in public policy and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander initiatives? How (dis)continuous has 'self-determination' been with 'assimilation' or with what came after? Among the contributions to this book there are different views about whether Australia is still practising 'self-determination' and even whether it ever did or could.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationCanberra, Australia
    PublisherANU Press
    Number of pages353
    ISBN (Print)9781760463779
    Publication statusPublished - 2020

    Publication series

    NameAboriginal History Inc. Monograph Series


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