Infinite-horizon risk-sensitive performance criteria for translation invariant networks of linear quantum stochastic systems

Igor G. Vladimirov*, Ian R. Petersen

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    This paper is concerned with networks of identical linear quantum stochastic systems which interact with each other and external bosonic fields in a translation invariant fashion. The systems are associated with sites of a multidimensional lattice and are governed by coupled linear quantum stochastic differential equations (QSDEs). The block Toeplitz coefficients of these QSDEs are specified by the energy and coupling matrices which quantify the Hamiltonian and coupling operators for the component systems. We discuss the invariant Gaussian quantum state of the network when it satisfies a stability condition and is driven by statistically independent vacuum fields. A quadratic-exponential functional (QEF) is considered as a risk-sensitive performance criterion for a finite fragment of the network over a bounded time interval. This functional involves a quadratic function of dynamic variables of the component systems with a block Toeplitz weighting matrix. Assuming the invariant state, we study the spatio-temporal asymptotic rate of the QEF per unit time and per lattice site in the thermodynamic limit of unboundedly growing time horizons and fragments of the lattice. A spatio-temporal frequency-domain formula is obtained for the QEF rate in terms of two spectral functions associated with the real and imaginary parts of the invariant quantum covariance kernel of the network variables. A homotopy method and asymptotic expansions for evaluating the QEF rate are also discussed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number2240007
    JournalInfinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


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