Intertribal hybrid plants produced from crossing Arabidopsis thaliana with apomictic Boechera

Allan R. Lohe, Enrico Perotti

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Arabidopsis thaliana and Boechera belong to different tribes of the Brassicaceae and last shared a common ancestor 13-35 million years ago. A. thaliana reproduces sexually but some Boechera accessions reproduce by apomixis (asexual reproduction by seed). The two species are reproductively isolated, preventing introgression of the trait(s) controlling apomixis from Boechera into A. thaliana and their molecular characterisation. To identify if "escapers" from such hybridisation barriers exist, we crossed diploid or tetraploid A. thaliana mothers carrying a conditional male sterile mutation with a triploid Boechera apomict. These cross-pollinations generated zygotes and embryos. Most aborted or suffered multiple developmental defects at all stages of growth, but some seed matured and germinated. Seedlings grew slowly but eventually some developed into mature plants that were novel synthetic allopolyploid hybrids. With one exception, intertribal hybrids contained three Boechera plus either one or two A. thaliana genomes (depending on maternal ploidy) and were male and female sterile. The exception was a semi-fertile, sexual partial hybrid with one Boechera plus two A. thaliana genomes. The synthesis of "escapers" that survive rigorous early developmental challenges in crosses between A. thaliana and Boechera demonstrates that the inviability form of postzygotic reproductive isolation separating these distantly related species is not impenetrable. The recovery of a single semi-fertile partial hybrid also demonstrates that hybrid sterility, another form of postzygotic reproductive isolation, can be overcome between these species.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)371-385
    Number of pages15
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2012


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