INTERVIEW - Analyzing the Islamic State's Information Campaign, Interview with Australian National Univ's Haroro Ingram

Haroro Ingram

    Research output: Other contribution


    1. Many western reporters and commentators have suggested that the Islamic States (IS) media campaign, especially its use of social media and new technology, sets it apart from previous jihadist and insurgent groups. Youve argued that at its core IS uses very similar communications strategies to those advocated by other insurgency thinkers and revolutionary groups throughout history. Could you explain how IS is following in the path of those older thinkers? I think it is important that the field doesnt see IS as simply an historical anomaly and, in doing so, dismisses the important lessons history provides us for not only understanding but countering the IS phenomenon. For those that are interested, this is a major theme in Three traits of the Islamic States information warfare and The strategic logic of Islamic State information operations. The core strategic mechanics of ISs information operations (IO) campaign are not particularly unique. In fact, ISs IO strategy appears to share some really fundamental principles that can be found in the writings of modern insurgency thinkers such as Mao, Guevara, Minh, Muqrin and others. So lets take a look at some of these core principles.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherMusings on Iraq
    Place of PublicationOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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