Interviews with children about their mental health problems: The congruence and validity of information that children report

Emily Macleod, June Woolford, Linda Hobbs, Julien Gross, Harlene Hayne, Tess Patterson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    To obtain a child’s perspective during a mental health assessment, he or she is usually interviewed. Although researchers and clinicians generally agree that it is beneficial to hear a child’s account of his or her presenting issues, there is debate about whether children provide reliable or valid clinical information during these interviews. Here, we examined whether children provide clinically and diagnostically relevant information in a clinical setting. In all, 31 children aged 5–12-years undergoing mental health assessments were asked open-ended questions about their presenting problems during a semi-structured interview. We coded the information that children reported to determine whether it was clinically relevant and could be used to diagnose their problems and to formulate and plan treatment. We also coded children’s information to determine whether it was congruent with the children’s presenting problems and their eventual clinical diagnoses. Most of the information that children reported was clinically relevant and included information about behaviour, affect, temporal details, thoughts, people, the environment, and the child’s physical experiences. The information that children reported was also clinically valid; it was congruent with the problems that were discussed (84%) and also with the eventual diagnosis that the child received after a complete assessment (74%). We conclude that children can contribute relevant, clinically useful, valid information during clinical psychological assessments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)229-244
    JournalClinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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