
Malcolm Ross, Andrew Pawley, Meredith Osmond

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    People: Body and Mind is the fifth in a series of seven volumes on the lexicon of Proto Oceanic, the ancestor of the Oceanic branch of the Austronesian language family. Earlier volumes are: vol.1 Material Culture, vol. 2 The physical environment, vol. 3 Plants, and Vol. 4 Animals. Vol. 6 will be entitled People: Society, while vol. 7 as presently envisaged, will include a sketch grammar and a complete index of reconstructions. Volume 5 contains first a general introduction to the series in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 deals with terms for people, by gender, age and marital status. Chapters 3 and 4 deal with body parts and with bodily functions and states respectively. Chapter 5 presents terms for health and disease. Chapters 6, 7 and 8 contain a detailed examination of verbs: those describing posture and movement, other physical acts not included elsewhere, and verbs of perception. Chapter 9 examines how body-part metaphors are used in expressions of emotion and cognition. Chapter 10 deals with cognition verbs. Chapter 11 explores ways of describing people by stature, temperament, emotion and evaluation. As in the other volumes, appendices include an index of reconstructions, a full listing of languages by subgroups, and a series of maps locating languages.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe lexicon of Proto Oceanic: The culture and environment of ancestral Oceanic society, Vol.5: People: Body and mind
    EditorsM Ross, A Pawley and M Osmond
    Place of PublicationCanberra
    PublisherPacific Linguistics
    ISBN (Print)9781922185327
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


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