'Ja toch?' Linguistic style, discourse markers and construction of identity by adolescents in Amsterdam.

Dineke Schokkin

    Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


    During the last decade, much attention of sociolinguistic researchers in Europe has been drawn to the speech of adolesecents of immigrant backgrounds and their majority background peers. Across several urban areas in North-Western Europe, phenomena have been described which have much in common: the emergence of a style of variety which carries distinctive features, yet remains close to the majority language spoken in the country. Features on all linguistic levels (prosodic, phonetic, morphological, lexical and grammatical) can sometimes be traced back to the mother tongues of minority immigrant groups, sometimes to reduction or simplification of the majority language, sometimes to neither. Studies have been carried out in, among others, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands and Belgium.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMuenchen
    PublisherLincom Europa
    Number of pages81
    ISBN (Print)9783862881710
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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