Jonny Greenwood Water / Mozart Night Music - Australian Chamber Orchestra

Sally Walker (Creator)

    Research output: Non-textual formRecorded/Rendered Performance


    This month, old becomes new again as the Australian Chamber Orchestra and ABC Classics present the first Australian-produced classical vinyl for two decades. Featuring the world-premiere recording of Water by Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood, the LP also covers more traditional territory with Mozart's popular Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Water was written following Greenwood's stint as the ACO's Composer in Residence in 2012. Its inspiration is Philip Larkin's poem of the same name, which alludes to a glass of water 'where any-angled light would congregate endlessly'. Scored for strings, flutes, keyboard, piano and two Indian tanpura, it takes the form of a continuous 15-minute movement. The LP format inspired the pairing with Mozart's ubiquitous Eine kleine Nachtmusik. 'We have chosen an outrageous combination of works that you would never consider pairing, unless it were on an LP,' says Richard Tognetti.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSydney
    PublisherABC Classics
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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