Knowing, feeling and communicating nuclear imperialism and nuclear colonialism through poetry, maps, multimedia art, documentary, and more

Mere Tuilau, Emily Simmonds, Sonja Mueller, Karly Burch, Lisa Villamu Jameson, Toshito Tanaka, Reiko Tashiro, Olivia Shimasaki, Sylvia Frain, Katherine Aigner

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review


    Abstract: In this session, we will share various methods for knowing, feeling and communicating nuclear imperialism and nuclear colonialism (two core themes of our conference). Through engaging with maps, poetry, multimedia art and documentary film, we will invite conference participants to reflect on the value of different learning tools and forms of expertise (artist, activist, academic, and beyond). Together we will explore the importance of learning tools which engage both our thinking minds and our hearts. These reflections will set the foundation for the rest of the conference, where various methods will be used to communicate the material consequences of nuclear imperialism and nuclear colonialism, as well as how we might work together to educate others about these issues so we can collectively transform these unsustainable relations of domination which threaten all life on Earth. Session was at 11:20 am, 25th Nov 2022, titled "Knowing, feeling and communicating nuclear imperialism and nuclear colonialism through poetry, maps, multimedia art, documentary, and more" Session Organiser: Karly Burch


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