Large-scale statistics for threshold optimization of optically pumped nanowire lasers

Juan Arturo Alanis, Dhruv Saxena, Sudha Mokkapati, Nian Jiang, Kun Peng, Xiaoyan Tang, Lan Fu, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Patrick Parkinson*

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    37 Citations (Scopus)


    Single nanowire lasers based on bottom-up III-V materials have been shown to exhibit roomerature near-infrared lasing, making them highly promising for use as nanoscale, silicon-integrable, and coherent light sources. While lasing behavior is reproducible, small variations in growth conditions across a substrate arising from the use of bottom-up growth techniques can introduce interwire disorder, either through geometric or material inhomogeneity. Nanolasers critically depend on both high material quality and tight dimensional tolerances, and as such, lasing threshold is both sensitive to and a sensitive probe of such inhomogeneity. We present an all-optical characterization technique coupled to statistical analysis to correlate geometrical and material parameters with lasing threshold. For these multiple-quantum-well nanolasers, it is found that low threshold is closely linked to longer lasing wavelength caused by losses in the core, providing a route to optimized future low-threshold devices. A best-in-group room temperature lasing threshold of 43 μJ cm-2 under pulsed excitation was found, and overall device yields in excess of 50% are measured, demonstrating a promising future for the nanolaser architecture.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)4860-4865
    Number of pages6
    JournalNano Letters
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2017


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