Laser-ablation microprobe (LAM)-ICPMS unravels the highly siderophile element geochemistry of the oceanic mantle

A Luguet, O Alard, JP Lorand, NJ Pearson, C Ryan, SY O'Reilly

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154 Citations (Scopus)


The highly siderophile element (HSE) contents of base-metal sulphides have been determined by laser-ablation microprobe (LAM)-ICPMS in abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic and South West Indian ridges. (Pd/Ir)(N) (0.007-505, N: CI-chondrite-normalised), (Pt/Ir)(N) (0.001-0.77) and (Rh/Ir)(N) (0.159-273) vary significantly between both grains and samples, irrespective of indicators of melt removal. but in line with bulk-rock platinum-group element (PGE) ratios and sulphide modal abundances. Positive deviations of PGE abundance ratios in whole-rock analyses are due to late-precipitated Cu-Ni-rich magmatic sulphides from incompletely extracted partial melts. These results contradict explanations of the HSE systematics of the oceanic mantle as reflecting global scale processes such as core-mantle exchange.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)285-294
Number of pages10
JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
Issue number3-4
Early online date27 Jun 2001
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Jun 2001


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