Le bien-être animal pour la santé de tous les écosystèmes [Animal welfare for the health of all ecosystems]

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    The history of animal domestication and that of ! agriculture are closely _ linked. The cattle is raised in the frame numerous systems production d i fferents , and these systems also influence the variety of roles played by the beta ii. At xx1st century, in the e world entire, the animals always play multiple essential roles _ _ _ in !'Agriculture, in particular by providing animal traction , the activities of guarding, the organic fertilizers, natural fibers and nutritious foods of animal origin (Alders et al., 2021a ). As part of sustainable nature - based approaches , production systems combining crops, pastures and raising food - fed animals meadow turn more and more more towards regenerative soil practices (Alders et al., 202 1 b ; Teague and Kreuter, 2020) .
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationL’Agriculture au cœur de la Santé Unique: Un lien régénéré entre la nature et la vivant
    EditorsJ-P. Rennaud
    Place of PublicationParis
    PublisherÉditions SW Télémaque
    ISBN (Print)978-2-7533-0424-6
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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