Life-history phenotypes in populations of Brachyrhaphis episcopi (Poeciliidae) with different predator communities

Michael D. Jennions*, S. R. Telford

*Corresponding author for this work

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    69 Citations (Scopus)


    Variation among populations in extrinsic mortality schedules selects for different patterns of investment in key life-history traits. We compared life-history phenotypes among 12 populations of the live-bearing fish Brachyrhaphis episcopi. Five populations co-occurred with predatory fish large enough to prey upon adults, while the other seven populations lacked these predators. At sites with large predatory fish, both sexes reached maturity at a smaller size. Females of small to average length that co-occurred with predators had higher fecundity and greater reproductive allotment than those from populations that lacked predators, but the fecundity and reproductive allotment of females one standard deviation larger than mean body length did not differ among sites. In populations with large predatory fish, offspring mass was significantly reduced. In each population, fecundity, offspring size and reproductive allotment increased with female body size. When controlling for maternal size, offspring mass and number were significantly negatively correlated, indicating a phenotypic trade-off. This trade-off was non-linear, however, because reproductive allotment still increased with brood size after controlling for maternal size. Similar differences in life-history phenotypes among populations with and without large aquatic predators have been reported for Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora in Costa Rica and Poecilia reticulata (a guppy) in Trinidad. This may represent a convergent adaptation in life-history strategies attributable to predator-mediated effects or environmental correlates of predator presence.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)44-50
    Number of pages7
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


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