Logarithmic conformal field theory: Beyond an introduction

Thomas Creutzig, David Ridout

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    95 Citations (Scopus)


    This article aims to review a selection of central topics and examples in logarithmic conformal field theory. It begins with the remarkable observation of Cardy that the horizontal crossing probability of critical percolation may be computed analytically within the formalism of boundary conformal field theory. Cardys derivation relies on certain implicit assumptions which are shown to lead inexorably to indecomposable modules and logarithmic singularities in correlators. For this, a short introduction to the fusion algorithm of Nahm, Gaberdiel and Kausch is provided. While the percolation logarithmic conformal field theory is still not completely understood, there are several examples for which the formalism familiar from rational conformal field theory, including bulk partition functions, correlation functions, modular transformations, fusion rules and the Verlinde formula, has been successfully generalized. This is illustrated for three examples: the singlet model M(1, 2), related to the triplet model W(1, 2), symplectic fermions and the fermionic bc ghost system; the fractional level Wess-Zumino-Witten model based on sl̂ (2) at k = ?1/2, related to the bosonic βy ghost system; and the Wess-Zumino-Witten model for the Lie supergroup GL (1|1), related to SL (2|1) at k = -1/2 and 1, the Bershadsky-Polyakov algebra W3(2) and the Feigin-Semikhatov algebras Wn(2) n . These examples have been chosen because they represent the most accessible, and most useful, members of the three best-understood families of logarithmic conformal field theories. The logarithmicminimal models W(q, p), the fractional level Wess-Zumino-Witten models, and the Wess-Zumino- Witten models on Lie supergroups (excluding OSP (1|2n)). In this review, the emphasis lies on the representation theory of the underlying chiral algebra and the modular data pertaining to the characters of the representations. Each of the archetypal logarithmic conformal field theories is studied here by first determining its irreducible spectrum, which turns out to be continuous, as well as a selection of natural reducible, but indecomposable, modules. This is followed by a detailed description of how to obtain character formulae for each irreducible, a derivation of the action of the modular group on the characters, and an application of the Verlinde formula to compute the Grothendieck fusion rules. In each case, the (genuine) fusion rules are known, so comparisons can be made and favourable conclusions drawn. In addition, each example admits an infinite set of simple currents, hence extended symmetry algebras may be constructed and a series of bulk modular invariants computed. The spectrum of such an extended theory is typically discrete and this is how the triplet model W(1, 2) arises, for example. Moreover, simple current technology admits a derivation of the extended algebra fusion rules from those of its continuous parent theory. Finally, each example is concluded by a brief description of the computation of some bulk correlators, a discussion of the structure of the bulk state space, and remarks concerning more advanced developments and generalizations. The final part gives a very short account of the theory of staggered modules, the (simplest class of) representations that are responsible for the logarithmic singularities that distinguish logarithmic theories from their rational cousins. These modules are discussed in a generality suitable to encompass all the examples met in this review and some of the very basic structure theory is proven. Then, the important quantities known as logarithmic couplings are reviewed for Virasoro staggered modules and their role as fundamentally important parameters, akin to the three-point constants of rational conformal field theory, is discussed. An appendix is also provided in order to introduce some of the necessary, but perhaps unfamiliar, language of homological algebra.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number494006
    JournalJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
    Issue number49
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Dec 2013


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