Low-Frequency Measurements of Seismic Moduli and Attenuation in Antigorite Serpentinite

Emmanuel C. David*, Nicolas Brantut, Lars N. Hansen, Ian Jackson

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    11 Citations (Scopus)


    Laboratory measurements of seismic moduli and attenuation in antigorite serpentinite at a confining pressure of 200 MPa and temperatures up to 550 °C provide new results relevant to the interpretation of geophysical data in subduction zones. A polycrystalline antigorite specimen was tested via forced oscillations at small strain amplitudes and seismic frequencies (millihertz to hertz). The shear modulus has a temperature sensitivity, ∂G/∂T, averaging −0.017 GPa/K. Increasing temperature above 500 °C results in more intensive shear attenuation (Q −1 G ) and associated modulus dispersion, with Q −1 G increasing monotonically with increasing oscillation period and temperature. This “background” relaxation is adequately captured by a Burgers model for viscoelasticity and possibly results from intergranular mechanisms. Attenuation is higher in antigorite (log 10 Q −1 G ≈ -1.5 at 550 °C and 0.01 Hz) than in olivine (log 10 Q −1 G « −2.0 below 800◦C), but such contrast does not appear to be strong enough to allow robust identification of antigorite from seismic models of attenuation only.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1993-2002
    Number of pages10
    JournalGeophysical Research Letters
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2019


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