Low-Threshold Multiwavelength Plasmonic Nanolasing in an “H”-Shape Cavity

Chenyang Li, Xutao Zhang, Ruixuan Yi, Ziyuan Li, Fanlu Zhang, Kaihui Liu, Xuetao Gan*, Lan Fu, Fajun Xiao*, Jianlin Zhao*, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Multiwavelength plasmonic nanolasers are central to the quest for ultradense and versatile photonic integrations. However, the insufficient optical feedback and mode selection strategies result in a high lasing threshold and multi-mode operation with limited spectral purity and stability. Here, a multiwavelength near-infrared plasmonic nanolaser with high mode purity by leveraging a nontrivial “H”-shape plasmonic cavity is demonstrated. The nanolaser is constructed by inserting InGaAs/GaAs multi-quantum-disk (MQD) nanowires into a metallic Fabry-Perot cavity consisting of a pair of Ag nanowires positioned on an ultrasmooth Au film. The design is endowed with strong optical feedback to enhance the energy transfer between the exciton and plasmon, rendering a significant reduction of the lasing threshold. More importantly, the “H”-shape cavity is featured with a large flexibility in tuning the resonance wavelength, where multiwavelength lasing with the virtues of single-mode is realized at room temperature. The results make a crucial step toward near-infrared multiwavelength plasmonic nanolasers and open up exciting opportunities for applications such as ultracompact photonic integrated circuits and high-throughput biochemical sensing.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2300187
JournalLaser and Photonics Reviews
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


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