Measurement of the (CM)-C-244 and (CM)-C-246 neutron-induced capture cross sections at the n_TOF facility

V Alcayne, A Kimura, E. Mendoza, Daniel Cano-Ott , T. Martinez, O Aberle, J. Andrzejewski, L Audouin, V Becares, M Bacak, Anton Wallner

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The neutron capture reactions of the 244Cm and 246Cm isotopes open the path for the formation of heavier Cm isotopes and heavier elements such as Bk and Cf in a nuclear reactor. In addition, both isotopes belong to the minor actinides with a large contribution to the decay heat and to the neutron emission in irradiated fuels. There are only two previous 244Cm and 246Cm capture cross section measurements: one in 1969 using a nuclear explosion [1] and the most recent data measured at J-PARC in 2010 [2]. The data for both isotopes are very scarce due to the difficulties in performing the measurements: high intrinsic activity of the samples and limited facilities capable of providing isotopically enriched samples. We have measured both neutron capture cross sections at the n_TOF Experimental Area 2 (EAR-2) with three C6 D6 detectors and also at Area 1 (EAR-1) with the TAC. Preliminary results assessing the quality and limitations (back-ground subtraction, measurement technique and counting statistics) of this new experimental datasets are presented and discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-8
    JournalEPJ Web of Conferences
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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