Messenger Monte Carlo MAPPINGS v (M3) - A Self-consistent, Three-dimensional Photoionization Code

Yifei Jin*, Lisa J. Kewley, Ralph Sutherland

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    The Messenger Interface Monte Carlo Mappings V (M3) is a photoionization code adopting the fully self-consistent Monte Carlo radiative transfer (MCRT) technique, which presents a major advance over previous photoionization models with simple geometries. M3 is designed for modeling nebulae in arbitrary three-dimensional geometries. In this paper, we describe the MCRT technique and the microphysics implemented in M3, including photoionization, collisional ionization, free-free and free-bound recombination, and two-photon radiation. We put M3 through the Lexington/Meudon benchmarks to test the reliability of the new code. We apply M3 to three H ii region models with fiducial geometries, demonstrating that M3 is capable of dealing with nebulae with complex geometries. M3 is a promising tool for understanding emission-line behavior in the era of SDSS-V/LVM and James Webb Space Telescope, which will provide high-quality data of spatially resolved nearby H ii regions and highly turbulent local and high-redshift H ii regions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number37
    JournalAstrophysical Journal
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2022


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