Microsecond isomers in 187TI and 188Pb

A. P. Byrne*, A. M. Baxter, G. D. Dracoulis, S. M. Mullins, T. Kibédi, T. R. McGoram, K. Helariutta, J. F.C. Cocks, P. Jones, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, H. Kankaanpää, H. Kettunen, P. Kuusiniemi, M. Leino, M. Muikku, P. Nieminen, P. Rahkila, A. Savelius

*Corresponding author for this work

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Lifetime measurements of states in nuclei with A=187 and 188 have been performed, using reactions between 155Gd and 36Ar and following the transport of evaporation residues to the focal plane of a gas-filled recoil separator. In a separate experiment using the 159Tb(32S,4n) reaction the γ-decay of isomeric levels in 187Tl has been studied using delayed γ-γ coincidence measurements. From observation of their subsequent γ decay, the mean lifetimes were measured to be 1000 ± 55 ns and 1600 ± 100 ns. Although it was not possible to characterize the isomers completely, they are proposed as candidates for one-proton, two-neutron excitations. In the course of this study, the decay of an isomer in 188Pb was also observed and its lifetime was measured as 1150 ± 30 ns, and limits of 20-600 ns were placed on the meanlife of an isomer conjectured in 187Pb.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-44
Number of pages4
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2000

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