Multi-modal mass-asymmetric fission of 178Pt from simultaneous mass-kinetic energy fitting

B. M.A. Swinton-Bland*, J. Buete, D. J. Hinde, M. Dasgupta, T. Tanaka, A. C. Berriman, D. Y. Jeung, K. Banerjee, L. T. Bezzina, I. P. Carter, K. J. Cook, C. Sengupta, C. Simenel, E. C. Simpson, M. A. Stoyer

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Citations (Scopus)


    The observation of mass-asymmetric fission in neutron-deficient 180Hg dramatically expanded the region of mass-asymmetric fission found across the nuclide chart, and has led to intense experimental and theoretical investigations into the fission of sub-lead nuclei. In particular, two major questions have been raised: how many fission modes are present in the fission of sub-lead nuclides, and which shells dictate these modes? Notably, investigations of the fission modes of 178Pt have led to contrasting results. To solve this disparity, new high-statistics data have been measured at the lowest excitation energy to-date using the CUBE fission spectrometer at The Australian National University. A new fitting procedure was developed to fit the high-statistics two-dimensional mass-kinetic energy distribution without external constraints. The fission of 178Pt can best be described by three fission modes: one mass-symmetric and two mass-asymmetric. Comparisons to previous analyses highlight the necessity of fitting the two-dimensional mass-kinetic energy distribution, rather than fitting slices of individual one-dimensional projections of the full distribution. Systematic studies of high-statistics measurements, combined with a rigorous statistical analysis offer the best chance to determine the shell effects responsible for multi-modal mass-asymmetric fission in this region of the nuclide chart.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number137655
    JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2023


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