Near-Optimal Routing Protection for In-Band Software-Defined Heterogeneous Networks

Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Keqiu Li, Baoliu Ye, Weihua Zhuang

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    31 Citations (Scopus)


    Facing the spectrum supply-demand gap, heterogeneous network (HetNet) is a promising approach to achieve drastic gains in network coverage and capacity compared with macro-only networks, thus making it especially attractive to network operators. On the other hand, software-defined networking brings a number of advantages along with many challenges. One particular concern is on the resilience for in-band fashioned control plane. Existing approaches mainly rely on a local rerouting policy when performing the routing protection for the target sessions in software-defined networks. However, such a policy would potentially bring congestions in the neighbouring links of the failed one. To this end, we study a weighted cost-minimization problem, where the traffic load balancing and control-channel setup cost are jointly considered. Because this problem is NP-hard, we first propose a near-optimal Markov approximation-based approach for in-band-fashioned software-defined HetNets. We then extend our solution to an online case that handles a single-link failure. We also conduct theoretical analysis on the performance fluctuation due to the single-link failure. We finally carry out experiments by experimental simulation. The extensive numerical results show that the proposed algorithm has fast convergence and high efficiency in resource utilization.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number7583673
    Pages (from-to)2918-2934
    Number of pages17
    JournalIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


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