Negligible nonlinear absorption in hydrogenated amorphous silicon at 1.55μm for ultra-fast nonlinear signal processing

Xin Gai, Duk Yong Choi, Barry Luther-Davies

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    48 Citations (Scopus)


    Three-photon absorption (3PA) has been observed as the dominant mechanism for nonlinear absorption in wide-bandgap hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H-W) at 1.55μm. The nonlinear index n2 and 3PA coefficient were measured to be 22 × 10-17m2/W and 5.0 × 10-26 m3/W2 respectively at 1.55μm by using the z-scan method. This indicates that the figure of merit (FOM) of this material is intensity dependent. A value FOM>60 is predicted at intensities below 0.5 GW/cm2 which is the maximum practical intensity for high-bit-rate (>160GB/s) alloptical signal processing. The nonlinear phase change in a-Si:H-W has been compared with other common nonlinear materials (c-Si, As2S3, Ge11.5As24Se64.5) for a 2cm long waveguide with a-Si:H-W showing the greatest potential for integrated devices for all-optical processing with a high nonlinear index and negligible nonlinear absorption at intensities < 0.5GW/cm2.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)9948-9958
    Number of pages11
    JournalOptics Express
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Apr 2014


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