Neutron diffuse scattering in deuterated para-terphenyl, C 18D14

D. J. Goossens, A. G. Beasley, T. R. Welberry, M. J. Gutmann, R. O. Piltz

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    9 Citations (Scopus)


    Neutron diffuse scattering is used to explore the short-range order (SRO) in deuterated para-terphenyl, C18D14. The crystal shows SRO because the central of the three phenyl groups of each molecule can twist positively or negatively and these twists are correlated over the local scale. The presence of incipient Bragg peaks at (1/2 1/2 0 )at 200K shows that these flips are negatively correlated along the a direction (nearest neighbour correlation coefficient of ∼-0.3) and b direction (nearest neighbour correlation coefficient of ∼-0.87) and appear essentially uncorrelated along c. Diffuse peak anisotropy indicates that the range of the correlations along b is found to be ∼3 times that along a. These correlations persist, although weaker, at room temperature. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to impose a correlation structure on the population of central ring twists that was deduced from Bragg scattering. By then allowing displacive relaxation of the structure, the observed diffuse scattering was well reproduced. Modelling the displacive motions of molecules showed that the positions of nearest ab-plane neighbour molecules are strongly positively correlated, particularly for motions approximately parallel to a, while the displacive correlations are weaker between molecules stacked along c. The apparent contradiction that the displacements are most strongly correlated along a while the occupancies are most strongly correlated along b is explained in terms of the connectivity of molecular interactions.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number124204
    JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
    Issue number12
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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