New age constraints for Grenville-age metamorphism in western central Dronning Maud Land (East Antarctica), and implications for the palaeogeography of Kalahari in Rodinia

J. Jacobs*, W. Bauer, C. M. Fanning

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    68 Citations (Scopus)


    New SHRIMP zircon data from Gjelsvikfjella and Mühlig-Hofmann-Gebirge (East Antarctica) indicate that the metamorphic basement is composed of Grenville-age rocks that are most likely part of the north-eastern continuation of the Namaqua-Natal-Maud Belt. Crystallisation ages of meta-igneous rocks range between ca. 1,150 to 1,100 Ma, with little inheritance recorded. Metamorphic zircon overgrowth during high-grade metamorphism is dated between ca. 1,090 to 1,050 Ma. Both, the crystallisation ages and the metamorphic overprint are similar to U-Pb data from a number of areas along a ca. 2,000-km stretch from Natal in South Africa to central Dronning Maud Land. The basement underwent in part strong high-grade reworking during the collision of East and West Gondwana at ca. 550 Ma. The timing of Grenville-age metamorphism has important implications for the position of Kalahari in Rodinia. It also questions that Coats Land is part of the Maud Belt because the undeformed volcanic rocks of Coats Land are older than the main metamorphism within the Maud Belt and, therefore, must rest on older basement. This interpretation explains why the pole of Coats Land at ca. 1,110 Ma differs from the Kalahari poles by 30°, i.e. Coats Land had not yet amalgamated to Kalahari. On the other hand, the palaeopoles from Coats Land and Laurentia at 1,110 Ma are identical within error. Thus, Coats Land could have been part of Laurentia prior to the final amalgamation of Rodinia, the Namaqua-Natal-Maud Belt could have been a part of the Grenville Belt and the entire Kalahari Craton could indeed have opposed Laurentia on its eastern side.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)301-315
    Number of pages15
    JournalInternational Journal of Earth Sciences
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2003


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