New Media, Old Rule in Malaysia

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    The changing nature of communications technologies, including the increasing dynamic capacity of the Internet to connect and transmit information, has contributed to rapid changes around the world. 'New media' technologies have been utilised to organise mass rallies, assist with clean elections and have generally provided a space for greater freedom of opinion and expression on a variety of issues and events throughout the region. At the same time, digitisation of media content has seen existing media business models thrown into disarray. As Internet penetration increases, newspaper circulation generally declines. From the deterioration of quality journalism in democracies, to assisting the so-called 'social media revolutions' in authoritarian regimes, the impact of digital media is a hotly debated topic among scholars and the general public.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationRegime Resilience in Malaysia and Singapore
    EditorsGreg Lopez and Bridget Welsh
    Place of PublicationSelangor, Malaysia
    PublisherStrategic Information and Research Development Centre
    ISBN (Print)9789672165064
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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