New species of Crotonia (Acari: Oribatida) from South Africa


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15 Citations (Scopus)


Four new species of oribatid mites of the genus Crotonia, (C. pauropelor sp. nov., C. dicella sp. nov., C. lyrata sp. nov. and C. ecphylla sp. nov.) are described from soil and plant litter from South Africa. Crotonia pauropelor, C. dicella and C. ecphylla are allied to the ‘capistrata’ species‐group, previously known only from Queensland, Australia, in that they possess the full complement of c setae on the notogaster. They differ in having eight pairs rather than nine pairs of genital setae. In addition, C. ecpylla is unusual in the genus Crotonia in that it appears to possess two pairs of setae on each of the second epimera. Crotonia lyrata has only two pairs of c setae and is allied to the ‘cophinaria’ species‐group. This is only the second published record of the genus Crotonia from South Africa, and the first of any named species. A key to the African Crotonia species is provided, which includes the only two previously known species C. alluaudi and C. rothschildi (Berlese, 1916).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)403-419
Number of pages17
JournalZoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1990
Externally publishedYes


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