New species of Buellia sens. lat. (Physciaceae, Ascomycota) from tropical Australia

John Elix

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Buellia bohlensis Elix, B. dimbulahensis Elix, B. herveyensis Elix, B. hyporosea Elix, B. kaproorea Elix and B. rhizocarpella Elix from tropical Australia are reported as new to science. This paper continues investigations into Buellia-like lichens in Australia, following on from the first accounts of Buellia and related genera (Elix 2009, 2011; Elix and Kantvilas 2013b, 2014a, 2015) and revisions to Amandinea (Elix and Kantvilas 2013a), Baculifera (Elix and Kantvilas 2014b), Cratiria (Elix 2014), Monerolechia (Elix 2015) and other crustose Physciaceae (Elix and Kantvilas 2015). In this paper, I deal with six new saxicolous species of Buellia in the broad sense from tropical Australia.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)42-51
    JournalAustralasian Lichenology
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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