Next-generation seismic model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging

Yunfeng Chen*, Erdinc Saygin, Brian Kennett, Mehdi Tork Qashqai, Juerg Hauser, David Lumley, Mike Sandiford

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    7 Citations (Scopus)


    The proliferation of seismic networks in Australia has laid the groundwork for high-resolution probing of the continental crust. Here we develop an updated 3D shear-velocity model using a large dataset containing nearly 30 years of seismic recordings from over 1600 stations. A recently-developed ambient noise imaging workflow enables improved data analysis by integrating asynchronous arrays across the continent. This model reveals fine-scale crustal structures at a lateral resolution of approximately 1-degree in most parts of the continent, highlighted by 1) shallow low velocities (<3.2 km/s) well correlated with the locations of known sedimentary basins, 2) consistently faster velocities beneath discovered mineral deposits, suggesting a whole-crustal control on the mineral deposition process, and 3) distinctive crustal layering and improved characterization of depth and sharpness of the crust-mantle transition. Our model sheds light on undercover mineral exploration and inspires future multi-disciplinary studies for a more comprehensive understanding of the mineral systems in Australia.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1192
    JournalNature Communications
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


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