Nouvelles recherches sur le site dunaire de Hane, Ua Huka (Archipel des Marquises)

Eric Conte, Guillaume Molle, Aymeric Hermann, Vahine Ahuura Rurua, Gabrielle Traversat, Pascal Murail

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Following the first excavations by Sinoto and Kellum in 1964-65, the Hane dune located on the south coast of Ua Huka, rapidly became a key-site for Marquesas archaeology and beyond, to understand the human settlement of Eastern Polynesia. However, some issues remained, especially regarding the interpretation of the complex stratigraphy. In 2009, the CIRAP team conducted a new excavation project. Our multifocal analysis now offers a better reconstruction of the human occupation over six centuries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)277-284
    JournalDossier d'Archeologie Polynesienne
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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