Novel external field source by localization of electrons for improving field effect solar cells (talk)

Dirk Koenig*, Gunter Ebest

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


For drift field generation IS structures with a fixed positive charge were developed in the 80’s and employed on solar cells. While many papers were published about the positively charged IS structure there has been little interest in a negatively charged IS structure (I−S structure) [1]. In comparison to solar cells with back surface field (BSF) such structures could improve conversion efficiency more significantly. They also open the way to novel field effect supported solar cells on n-type silicon. The paper represents results of the preparation and characterization of the I−S structure on Silicon (Si) consisting of a layer compound AlF3||SiO2 on Si, a brief discussion of the phenomena encountered and respective conclusions.
[1] K. Jäger, R. Hezel, Proc. of the 18th IEEE PVSC, Las Vegas, 1985, Proc. pp. 1752
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2001
Externally publishedYes


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