“Now I feel like a true parasitologist” -Concept-based training for early career scientists

Alexander G. Maier

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    One of the allures of parasitology is its breadth of aspects spanning everything from molecules to ecosystems. Very few institutions have the capability to cover this breadth in educating parasitologists. As the national professional body, the Australian Society for Parasitology has developed a training course that aims to fill this gap. The course offers a comprehensive overview over the field, highlights the current research foci and introduces key methods. The program equips participants with an appreciation of parasites and with strategies to deal with the complexity of parasitological systems. The course provides an innovative model for training parasitological key concepts with a focus on professional development for early career researchers.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)80-84
    Number of pages5
    JournalVeterinary Parasitology
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2018


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