Numerical modelling of strain localisation during extension of the continental lithosphere

Susanne Frederiksen*, Jean Braun

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    58 Citations (Scopus)


    Dipping reflectors in the upper mantle are observed on reflection seismic data and, in some case, have been interpreted to represent mantle shear zones. It is not clear, however, how these shear zones develop and under what circumstances. Previous attempts to model strain localisation by strain softening in the ductile regime have failed to show the development of mantle shear zones. We present here results from a numerical model of lithospheric extension. The model uses an elasto-visco-plastic rheology dependent on temperature, pressure, deviatoric stress and composition. Strain softening is incorporated into the mechanical model via a simple ad hoc strain-viscosity relationship. The results demonstrate that strain localisation can dominate lithospheric deformation in an extensional regime. We illustrate the effects of varying the parameters, which define the strain-viscocity relationship on the geometry of lithospheric-scale shear zones and the rift basin. We also investigate the effects on shear zone development of introducing a variety of pre- extension weak zones in the crust and/or mantle. Our results suggest that if dipping reflectors observed on deep seismic data around the world are evidence of the existence of mantle shear zones, there is a need to review our conceptual models of strain/strength evolution during the development of continental rifts.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)241-251
    Number of pages11
    JournalEarth and Planetary Science Letters
    Issue number1-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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