Open source flood simulation with a 2D discontinuous-elevation hydrodynamic model

G. Davies, S. Roberts

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    11 Citations (Scopus)


    A new finite volume algorithm to solve the two dimensional shallow water equations on an unstructured triangular mesh has been implemented in the open source ANUGA software, which is jointly developed by the Australian National University and Geoscience Australia. The algorithm supports discontinuous-elevation, or 'jumps' in the bed profile between neighbouring cells. This has a number of benefits compared with previously implemented continuous-elevation approaches. Firstly it can preserve lake-at-rest type stationary states with wet-dry fronts without using any mesh porosity type treatment (mesh porosity treatments allow the bed to absorb some water as though it were porous). It can also simulate very shallow frictionally dominated flow down sloping topography, as typically occurs in direct-rainfall flood models. In the latter situation, mesh porosity type treatments lead to artificial storage of mass in cells and associated mass conservation issues, whereas continuous-elevation approaches with good performance on shallow frictionally dominated flows tend to have difficulties preserving stationary states near wet-dry fronts. The discontinuous-elevation approach shows good performance in both situations, and mass is conserved to a very high degree, consistent with floating point error. A further benefit of the discontinuous-elevation approach, when combined with an unstructured mesh, is that the model can sharply resolve rapid changes in the topography associated with e.g. narrow prismatic drainage channels, or buildings, without the computational expense of a very fine mesh. The boundaries between such features can be embedded in the mesh using break-lines, and the user can optionally specify that different elevation datasets are used to set the elevation within different parts of the mesh (e.g. often it is convenient to use a raster digital elevation model in terrestrial areas, and surveyed channel bed points in rivers). The discontinuous-elevation approach also supports a simple and computationally efficient treatment of river walls. These are arbitrarily narrow walls between cells, higher than the topography on either side, where the flow is controlled by a weir equation and optionally transitions back to the shallow water solution for sufficiently submerged flows. This allows modelling of levees or lateral weirs which are much finer than the mesh size. A number of benchmark tests are presented illustrating these features of the algorithm. All these features of the model can be run in serial or parallel, on clusters or shared memory machines, with good efficiency improvements on 10s-100s of cores depending on the number of mesh triangles and other case-specific details.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015
    EditorsTony Weber, Malcolm McPhee, Robert Anderssen
    PublisherModelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc (MSSANZ)
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Electronic)9780987214355
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Event21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Partnering with Industry and the Community for Innovation and Impact through Modelling, MODSIM 2015 - Held jointly with the 23rd National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research and the DSTO led Defence Operations Research Symposium, DORS 2015 - Broadbeach, Australia
    Duration: 29 Nov 20154 Dec 2015

    Publication series

    NameProceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015


    Conference21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation: Partnering with Industry and the Community for Innovation and Impact through Modelling, MODSIM 2015 - Held jointly with the 23rd National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research and the DSTO led Defence Operations Research Symposium, DORS 2015


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